Newsload Field Correspondent AJ Jarvis is a working improv comedian and actor based in London, Ontario.
Performing Style: G rated to XXX, but prefers a nice healthy R.
Comedic Influences: Jim Carrey, Aunty Donna, Andy Samberg and Will Ferrell.
We've worked with AJ on various projects and have laughed our asses off every time. He's a natural on set and one of those comedians where you know if you just set him free he will deliver the laughs.
The Newsload
AJ got his comedy start in high school, excelling in drama all 5 years. He went dark until 2012 when Shut The Front Door Improv was founded and became a featured performer, instructor, camp counsellor and sometimes on short notice an MC.

AJ is a comedy slut and will be in anyone's video, build props, and generally do anything for a laugh He's a fun, goofy, take nothing too seriously kind of guy that, relatable to all ages.
Get AJ to come do COMEDY NEWS COVERAGE at you event! Learn more here.