Turk Phillips loves machines. Follow his journey of mind, soul and body as he lubes up and consummates his way across our fair city.
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ISSUE LINK: Van Holst Avoids Reprimand In London City Council (London Free Press)
ISSUE LINK: Ponzi Schemes Involving London Ontario (Toronto Star)
EXTRA LINK: Newsload Anti-White Collar Crime Project
ISSUE LINK: Sex Trafficking Along 401 Corridor (London Free Press)
HELP LINK: Help For Sex Trafficked Girls
EXTRA LINK: Newsload Anti-Sex Trafficking Project
ISSUE LINK: Reporter Layoffs Bode Dark Times For Democracy (New York Times)
ISSUE LINK: Biker Gangs See Exponential Increase in Memberships (London Free Press)
ISSUE LINK: Opioid Epidemic In London ON (London Free Press)
PRODUCTION CREDITS: Turk Phillips: Bryan Carey, Front Yard Londoners: AJ Jarvis/Kevin Elliott/Anita Twynstra/Bryan Bakker, Produced by: The Newsload, Story by: AJ Jarvis, Written/Directed by: Bryan Bakker, Cinematography by: Alexander Chapman/Bryan Bakker, Newsload Voice: Ed Kelly, E-bike provided by: Junior’s E-Bikes, Produced in association with Blue Food Films and Bizbio Creative.