But alas, due to his unfortunate demise. Leslie's comedic antics in brilliantly stupid funny films will have to suffice.

Leslie's fart toy is legitimately my favourite creation that was ever invented since the beginning of civilization as we know it.
Here's a clip of his fart toy here!
A clusterfuck of chaos is the only way to describe a bumbling fool that is accidentally succeeding. I adore the lovable nincompoop!!
On with the show maestro!!!
Mr. T!!!! Fuck ya! Alex Trebek voice over!!! Phenomenal
Matlock! Fabio!!! Jesus the cameos in the first 5 min already got me hooked!!!
Weird Al Yankovic sings the intro song??
There must have been a huge budget for this incredibly stupid movie! I'm absolutely smitten.
The gags are literally every minute!
One joke after another. Constant silliness.
Omg. They got "Hit the road Jack" singer, Ray Charles, who was blind, driving a bus!!! It's so stupid!!! The cameos are wonderful! Even Mr. Miagi from Karate Kid! I was constantly delighted, literally saying! "Hey!" Cameo after Cameo. If this movie was just a big party, I wouldn't be surprised! Hulk Hogan?!? Too cool!!!
It's very well written, the soundtrack is delightful, the stunts, the gags. So good!
It's a hell of a funny movie. I highly recommend it if you're looking for dumb comedy, beautiful actresses and ridiculous gags. Leslie Nielson never disappoints
If anyone is having a séance and reaching out to Leslie Nielson's spirit. Please tell him I would tongue his asshole happily for all of eternity in the afterlife as gratitude for all the shits and giggles.
Until next time kids!!!
Carrie Anne Stephenson
Newsload Correspondent
Forever Naked Gun Fan
Amateur Movie Critic
